Daniela Sánchez
13 dic 2017
¿Nuevas masculinidades o masculinidades positivas?
El sistema patriarcal corrompe e intoxica también el diario vivir de los hombres. Desde ese punto de vista los hombres han sido...
Silvia Federici (2017). PHD, 1980
13 dic 2017
Cuerpo, mujeres y la nueva caza de brujas
Silvia Federici, filósofa italiana de la tradición feminista autonomista y marxista, profesora emérita de la Universidad de Hofstra,...
Judith Butler (2015). Filósofa
13 dic 2017
La resistencia política como acto corporal: Judith Butler
Judith Butler, filósofa post-estructuralista, quien estuviera hace poco en Costa Rica, conversa con Edvan Córdova, activista...
Diego Lizarazo Arias (2017). rofesor e
13 dic 2017
Judith Butler: la persistencia del cuerpo
Diego Lizarazo Arias representa, a través de una animación, lo que la filósofa Judith Butler plantea respecto a la concepción de género y...
Une vidéo-danse d'Émilie Cardu-Beauquier et Claudia Hébert Idée originale, chorégraphie, direction artistique, production : Émilie...
TIME-LAPSE PAINTING: "Clap if you believe in Zombies"
His art and style impressed us, and we wanted to showcase his works in our magazine. We are happy he agreed to that and to this...
Jackson Tjota (2017) / Ilustrador digital de
27 nov 2017
"Pear, Bitten" (timelapse painting)
Jackson is a self-taught digital illustrator from Indonesia who has been working as a freelancer for 5 years, mostly on fantasy-themed...
Patrick Brown (2011). Digital Artist &
27 nov 2017
Digital Artist & illustrator Patrick Brown Tutorial on how to draw & paint Tony Montana of S
This tutorial will illustrate basic techniques of drawing, sketching, inking and digitizing your artwork. Publicado el 20 de diciembre de...
"The Scarecrow" - Magic Sculpt epoxy clay
"The Scarecrow" documents the complete step by step process of creating a character starting from a simple sketch in 2014 to a fully...
"Color of Reality" - Painting and Movement Artistry
.. may look like something you would see hanging on the wall in an art gallery, but Meade isn’t like any other artist