Patrick Brown (2011). Digital Artist &
27 nov 2017
Digital Artist & illustrator Patrick Brown Tutorial on how to draw & paint Tony Montana of S
This tutorial will illustrate basic techniques of drawing, sketching, inking and digitizing your artwork. Publicado el 20 de diciembre de...
"The Scarecrow" - Magic Sculpt epoxy clay
"The Scarecrow" documents the complete step by step process of creating a character starting from a simple sketch in 2014 to a fully...
"Color of Reality" - Painting and Movement Artistry
.. may look like something you would see hanging on the wall in an art gallery, but Meade isn’t like any other artist
Jared Emerson (2015) /
27 nov 2017
TEDxOaksChristianSchool. A blank canvas became a full scope painting of a lion's head within ten minutes as Jared Emerson paints right in...
Franck Bouroullec (2017) /
27 nov 2017
Performance, Live Painting Hommage to a Great Woman
Painting ‘live’ and exposing his workshop creations to the public eye is a way of telling a story. In front of the TEDxLausanneWomen he...
22 nov 2017
Cuerpos en movimiento. Antropología de y desde las Danzas.
... una aproximación intercultural al movimiento corporal y la danza..
Jóvenes excéntricas en el rock: cuerpo femenino en el escenario rockero de ...
Tijuana y la ciudad de México
Corporalidades diversas y habilidades mixtas: replanteando las representaciones sociales
... de la discapacidad a través de la danza integrada
Entre la teoría y el método. Reflexiones a propósito de la investigación en danza
... una mirada interdisciplinar, desde los métodos de la investigación histórica